Dental Crown in Delhi, India

Dental Crown in Delhi, India

Dental Crown in Delhi, India

Dental Crown in Delhi, India

Dental Crown in Delhi, India


Thursday 30 October 2014

The Difference Between Dental Crowns and Implants

Without much knowledge of dentistry, it is unlikely that you will have more than a passing knowledge of what the difference between crowns and implants are, and no real knowledge of when either one is appropriate.

As you would imagine, crowns are basically coverings that are placed over unhealthy teeth in order to retain a biting surface and attractive appearance. They also help to support surrounding teeth and guard against the gum disease and bone loss that can be caused by missing teeth. Implants, on the other hand, are where a metal rod is inserted into the actual jaw bone which then fuses with it, and replacement teeth are attached to the part of the rod which protrudes above the gum line.

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Dental Crowns or Dental Implants

So you've had some dental issues and are going to have to choose between getting a dental crown or a dental implant. How do you decide which is better for you?
Dental implants are typically used to replace an entire tooth, and dental crowns are typically used if some part of the tooth and the root are still viable but need topped off in order to function properly.

If you have a missing tooth, implants are probably the best way to go, however if you have a tooth that is simply decayed and may not have to be completely replaced, a dental crown may be an option.

Dental implants

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Dental Crowns: Benefits, Risks and Candidacy

If you have a tooth or teeth that have become severely damaged or decayed, it is important to restore their structure, strength, and function to improve your facial & smile aesthetics and boost your confidence. The dental crown procedure can be a great solution for patients with weakened or traumatized tooth/teeth.

Cosmetically, dental crowns are tooth-shaped, natural-colored coverings applied over the tooth's surface to restore its shape and size, strength, hide surface imperfections and/or rejuvenate the tooth's appearance.


Monday 27 October 2014

What Is a Dental Crown?

Dental crowns are dental improvement accessories. It is almost like a cap that is positioned on the top of a problematic tooth in order to restore its form and size, increase its strength and to improve the appearance and functionality. It is a very common dental procedure and almost all the dentists of different cities perform it regularly. In order to get yourself a crown, all you have to do is search internet with your city, for example crown Lancaster, pa or crown reading, pa. After you find an appropriate local dentist, you can move forward with the process.

Sunday 26 October 2014

Preparing a Tooth for a Dental Crown

During the preparation of a tooth for a dental crown, you will typically require two visits to your dentist. The first step will involve the examination and preparation of the tooth, while the second visit will involve placement of the permanent crown.

First Visit: Examining and Preparing the Tooth

During the first visit to prepare the dental crown, the dentist may take several X-Rays in order to check the roots of the tooth that will receive the crown, as well as the surrounding bone.

Saturday 25 October 2014

Dental Crowns: Understanding the Placement of Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are considered a cosmetic dental procedure. They are often used to protect weakened teeth from further damage. For example, a cracked or broken tooth can break even further without the protection of a dental crown. In terms of cosmetic surgery, a crown can be used to hide the appearance of discolored and misshapen teeth. In all honesty, your smile is the first thing that people notice. Therefore, you want your smile to be beautiful. Crown placement typically involves more than one professional. A prosthodontist makes the crowns for you and an oral surgeon places the crowns.

Friday 24 October 2014

How Long Do Dental Crowns and Bridges Last?

Quality-made dental crowns and bridges are the solution if you have damaged or discolored teeth and need their appearance and shape to be improved. Another good reason is if you have gaps where teeth have been removed, and you don't want the remaining teeth to spread out into those areas and create a bad bite.

Crowns also are needed for a variety of reasons, including

    keep teeth strong for biting and chewing
    help to prevent a tooth from fracturing
    restore a tooth that has fractured
    cover a tooth that has previously had a root canal
    protect a discolored tooth,
    cover a broken one
    hold a dental bridge in place
    cover a dental implant

Thursday 23 October 2014

A Dental Crown May Be the Best Option

A dental crown is a tooth-like cap that is installed over an existing tooth. Crowns perform a number of functions including restoring the shape and size of a tooth and providing structural strength to a tooth or its root structure. An existing tooth that is to be fitted with a crown undergoes a certain amount of preparation which usually includes the taking of x-rays and the making of a tooth impression of not only the tooth to be crowned but of the other teeth in the jaw as well to ensure a good fit. Other preparations may include some shaping of the tooth and the installation of a temporary crown while the final one is being made for you. Once the final crown has been fitted correctly it is cemented in place.

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Restorative Dental Treatments: Dental Implant, Crown And Bridges

Apparently, dental services account for the largest portion of benefit payments by private health insurers (the Australian government's Department of Health reports that dental services accounted for 51% of the total benefit payment by private health insurers in 2011 - 2012, which amounted to $1.79 billion). Restorative dental treatments, in particular, are quite costly yet vital for good oral health.

The different types of restorative dental treatments include: dental implant, crown and bridges. These forms of treatment help to restore your natural smile while preventing oral health issues in the future. This is done by restoring damaged teeth or replacing missing teeth.

Dental Implants

If you have missing teeth, dental implants would be your best choice for restoring a full set of teeth. In this treatment, the metal anchor of a dental implant is inserted deep into your jaw bone. Thereafter, a false tooth is inserted onto it, producing a firm tooth that looks like the natural one.


Of all the restorative dental treatments, as well as all other dental treatments, crowns are the most costly (the Australian government's Department of Health reports that the average dental charge for crowns, in privately insured Australians, was $1,397.98 during 2012). This is because such a restorative treatment requires advanced expertise, special material and equipment.

A crown is basically a cap shaped in the form of a tooth. It is placed over natural teeth to provide protection for damaged teeth. Crowns will not only look similar to natural teeth, but are also equally as hard.

There are several instances in which you may need a crown. The International Dental Foundation identifies some of the signs that you should look out for:

(i) Cracked teeth would normally require a crown. If your teeth hurt while biting, you probably have a cracked tooth. This requires restorative treatment, since the crack will not heal.

(ii) The extent of a crack will also determine the extent of treatment required. Full-coverage crowns would be necessary in cases of vertical cracks reaching the gum line. However, cracks extending below the gum line would need crown lengthening or extra treatment, such as root canal therapy or even extraction. Following extraction, a dental implant may be applied.

(iii) If you have a discolored tooth filling, a crown may be inserted, simply to conceal such discoloration.

(iv) A combination of crown and bridges would be inserted for the purpose of holding bridges or dentures firmly in place.

(v) A crown may be necessary in case you have a large tooth filling. This is because the filling may lead to cracking of your tooth; hence a crown would help protect your tooth.

(vi) You should also differentiate between a crack and a craze. Craze lines are simply stress lines, which normally don't require a crown, since they don't affect your tooth's structural integrity. This may just require whitening. However, deeply stained or very long craze lines could be an indication of developing cracks. Your dentist is able to identify such subtle differences and recommend the appropriate treatment.


Cases of missing teeth are generally treated by inserting dental bridges. This is useful in covering the gaps between teeth. Such treatment is not only useful in improving your appearance, but also keeping the other teeth in place.

Article Source:

Tuesday 21 October 2014

About Dental Crowns

A dental crown is tooth-like structure (cap) that is placed on top of a 'repaired' tooth to restore it to its original shape, size, strength, color, appearance and function.

A crown protects and strengthens tooth structure that cannot be restored with fillings or other types of restorations. Once a dental crown is placed, the entire tooth surface is restored it to its desired original shape, size, color, and appearance.

When the tooth decay or damage is large and extensive, a fully covering porcelain crown or a gold crown can restore the tooth to its original shape and function.

A dental crown can be made from different types of materials such as