
Sunday 22 February 2015

Teeth Problems

Common Dental Contingencies

The most common reasons for seeking dental services immediately are:

1. A tooth that has broken off due to accident. In some cases, where the teeth are already weak, they can simply break or crack while chewing something hard like nuts or candy.

2. A detached crown or filling that leaves the nerves exposed. This can again be extremely painful.

3. Dental cavities that are deep and have become painful.

4. Advanced gum disease or a pus filled abscess.

5. Pain, swelling around the lower face as well as the neck, difficulty while swallowing, and fever. This can be dangerous and one should seek emergency services at once.

6. Some people experience sudden intense pain a couple of days after having a tooth extracted. This is known as dry socket and occurs when a scab doesn't form over it.

7. Bleeding from oral tissues like cheek, tongue and gums that does not stop.

8. Broken braces, wires or detached brackets that may be poking the gums or cheeks.

Managing emergencies

A dental emergency can occur at any time of the day or night. There are some simple ways to get some relief till one gets to see a dentist.

• If you have a toothache then rinsing your mouth with warm salt water is your best option. You can also take an anti-inflammatory like ibuprofen and acetaminophen alternatively.

• Applying cold compress on the cheek from outside is helpful in the case of swelling.

• In the case of bleeding putting moist gauze on it with light pressure can help to contain bleeding.

• A filling that has become displaced can be temporarily covered with chewing gum that has been chewed on. Always use sugarless gum as sugar will worsen the pain. You can also use a filling material available at a nearby drugstore.

• If a tooth has fallen out, clean it with cold water, but do not scrub it. It can be kept hydrated in the mouth itself or milk. A broken tooth can be fixed again only if you reach the dentist within the hour.

• If the crown has fallen out, try to replace it in the socket gently. Do not use force if it doesn't go in. You can apply clove oil with cotton or gauze.

• Loose wires or braces need to be refitted by the dentist, but meanwhile you can place a cotton ball or orthodontic wax at the edges to prevent it rubbing against soft tissues of the mouth.

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